4 Mantras for Happiness: Yield a better You
To achieve the perfect mental health, we not only need to focus on the physical aspects. But also must understand the fact that the physical aspects are the manifestation of our mental and emotional acts. To achieve the physical, we must work at our mental and emotional levels. If we want to bring a change at the physical level, we must bring a change at our mental level. The human mind has tremendous potential and can attract everything that we desire, but someone must learn systematically it to unfold the mind's power.
The first step to getting into our mind is to watch the thought pattern of our mind. One must focus on reading the pattern of thoughts that we use to think every day. Once we understand the pattern of our thinking patterns, the next step is to analyze what we have been thinking all day long. Is it mostly positive or negative? The thinking pattern of the human being mainly consists of worry, resentment, fear, hatred jealousy, and anger.
For example, a failure person's thought pattern may be filled with failures. Many thoughts of failure may pop up inside his mind. He may fail to seize even an opportunity that could have brought him success just because he possesses the energy of failure. He could not let go of that failure that he had experienced in life. He is holding that one failure of his entire life and continuously thinking about whether he will be successful in the other endeavors of his life or not!
How to overcome our failures, worries, and limitations? Broadly, four main traits can bring profound changes in mental health and well-being and in turn attract success, happiness, and peace in life.
Forgiveness :
Forgiveness is the most powerful neutralizer. When someone undergoes a bitter experience in life, it gets imprinted in the mind so strongly that she becomes unable to release it throughout her life. When someone is ill-treated, she starts viewing others from the same lens. She fails to let go of the incident. Because of this she never can rise above the situation and fails to attract pleasant success and happiness in life.
One must practice to give and receive love. we should spread love in this universe. Love is the most powerful healing energy which flows directly from the heart and it can heal even the deadliest diseases. Practicing spreading love and kindness makes one flexible and progressive. One should not himself while spreading love. Spread it to everyone, spread it to yourself, spread it to your family members and loved ones spread it to the river, spread it to the mountains, spread it to nature spread it to all the human beings on this planet. When you spread love you attract love you attract love from everyone and from the universe.
Acceptance :
"If we can master acceptance, we can remove the huddles of our life." Judging others is a common tendency of mind and by judging others we put ourselves in a confusing state. Our mind goes on to put different types of judgment tags on others. These tags may be" she does not speak to me well, he is horrible, he is very tricky, he has no sense of behavior and so and so which never allows us to see things from the right perspective. We must accept everyone the way they are for they have their own soul agenda and they will perform their action as per the soul agenda whether we like it or not . We must focus on our intention. This way we will stay away from judging others and we can lead ourselves in a progressive path.
Gratitude :
Gratitude must come from within. we should learn to express gratitude with true spirit. Gratitude must not be only an oral expression. When you receive something from someone, you must acknowledge it and you must be grateful from the core of your heart. If a person really wants to transform himself he must practice the act of gratitude.
One must learn to transmute the worry into confidence, the resentment into forgiveness and the jealousy into helping others to achieve their goal. The kind of energy we possess makes us react similarly. If we possess the energy of hatred then our mind tends to react even in a positive circumstance in a hateful manner. Similarly, if the mind poses the energy of anger,it will react angrily even in a normal situation. so before we analyze others we must analyze ourselves.
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