Goal manifestation and materialisation.

To live a life, the purpose of life must be found out. Without a purpose, a life is like a journey that has no destination, or in other words, one goes on wherever the life takes you. No one pretends to live such a life right? To have a purposeful life, you do not have to have an eligibility. It does not matter, whether you are poor or rich, happy or sad, learned or not but you can achieve any goal that you set in life. "EVERYONE HAS THE ABILITY TO DREAM AND ALSO TO MAKE IT COME TRUE" We must understand and experience the power we possess,which is gifted to us naturally during our birth. In modern days, our education system teaches us everything that exists outside but we hardly know about our own self. Several studies on the human brain have revealed the brain power of the human mind. "The most powerful computer known is the brain. The human brain possesses about 100 billion neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion — 1 million billion — connections known as synapses wiring ...